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Things I’ve been doing instead of blogging

I realize I haven’t been the best blogger, and so I’ve vowed to turn over a new leaf and blog every day. Or more days, anyway. But if you’re reading this, perhaps you’ve been wondering what i’ve been doing instead of blogging. I mean, besides procrastinating.  So, here’s a short pictorial history of my last few blogless weeks.

I spent some time at the beach!


 I went blueberry picking with my family. We picked maybe a million blueberries.

One of our pies

My  daughter used them to bake four pies. Yes, four. With the help of cousins and siblings. Also with their help, we ate them all.  You can imagine how much time this all took, so of course I wasn’t able to blog!

In the Adirondaks

We were in the Adirondaks vacationing with extended family when we had our blueberryfest. Also while there we swam, kayaked, biked and did other fun stuff. Sorry, computers just didn’t fit in.

My bike

Of course, it’s not like I’ve been on vacation this whole time. No, but I do have a job. And a family. And a bike. My bike takes up lots of my time (no where near the amount of hours my job and family take up, mind you, but lots). I ride every day. On weekdays, I ride back and forth to work, so that’s about eight miles a day. On weekends, I like to ride about 25 miles each day. Why? Because it makes me feel like I’ve really accomplished something, although actually, I’m just riding around in a large circle, for the most part. I realize this, but I can’t resist.

So you can see over the past several weeks I’ve had a busy schedule and have managed to put off not only blogging, but even vaguely thinking about my finances.  But I’m done with that. I’m done procrastinating, I’m done vacationing, and I’m going to start thinking about my simple IRA right now! Or, at least right after my bike ride.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. mogallant
    August 4, 2010 at 1:10 am

    I am so proud of you for riding your bike! And I’m glad you are getting back to posting, but after reading this post…I want some of that pie! 🙂

    • August 5, 2010 at 3:10 pm

      Thanks Mo! Sorry, the pies are all long gone–I guess if I’m going to go on vacations that involve making and eating four pies, I’d better spend some time biking off those calories!

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